Marketing For Bloggers: Becoming a Visible Expert

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3960 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 29, 2013 10:32 pm
Do you want to become an expert in your field? Learn how to take the marketing of your blog to the next level and position yourself as a market expert, easily.


Written by lyceum
3953 days ago

Could this follow the V-C-P (visibility - credibility - profitability) process developed by Dr. Ivan Misner?

Written by HeatherStone
3960 days ago

Hi Lee,

Thanks so much for the excellent post and thanks to Adam for sharing it with the BizSugar community. I don't know if you're a member yet, but if not maybe Adam can help you out. I'd love to get a discussion going in our community in the comment section for this post on BizSugar about exactly how to go about picking an area of expertise. I'd love to start by asking how to judge whether the niche you've chosen has sufficient earning potential and growth potential. I'm also wondering if you have any thoughts about competitors. Should you pick an area of expertise where you have few peers or is it OK or perhaps even a good idea to pick one where you have some competitors? Tell us what you think!

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