QR Codes. In Japan, they're just about everywhere and they have transformed the way brands interact with consumers. They feature on TV advertising, business cards, products, websites, newspapers, magazines, posters, direct mail, outdoor ads, and even graves! In a Japanese survey conducted way back in 2005, 73.3% of respondents advised that they had used QR Codes. Yet, despite their popularity and prevalence in Japanese marketing for the past 8 years, QR codes seem to have only recently hit our shores.

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Written by 33interactions
5456 days ago

Thanks for the comments. I am so fascinated by these codes and really do hope they make it in other markets. I am going to focus on a new/interesting application of QR codes each week. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

- Jenine

Written by smallbiztrends
5457 days ago

Martin, yes, the QR code (really a 3-D barcode) is being used in Japan heavily because they are such a mobile-phone and gadget centric country.

This is an intriguing article. I used to write about RFID (cousin to the barcode) so I am fascinated by this type of technology.

- Anita

Written by lyceum
5458 days ago

I wonder if the QR code has become popular in Japan and some other Asian countries due to the fact that they are using cutting edge mobile technology and are more used to take snapshots with their mobile phones.

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