John Sternal, guest author at Small Business CEO, lays out some basic ideas about how your company can get PR. Frankly, from my perspective after 18 years on the other side as a reporter, his suggestions for getting stuff into the paper seem a bit naive. One of the key things anyone with something to promote must learn is that press, both traditional and new media, is rather hard to predict. You're unlikely to get the reporter you want and even then not necessarily likely to appreciate the approach they take. Better advice comes from Tim Ferris, who promoted his book onto the Best Seller list sometimes unleashing controversy over which he had little control but always managing to be remarkable.
Small business PR tips
Posted by ShawnHessinger under MarketingFrom 5623 days ago
Made Hot by: q4sales on July 13, 2009 4:49 pm
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5622 days ago
I am not an expert on PR at all, but I think it is time to look at new ways of promoting your stuff. Tim Ferriss is a good example of this attitude. I wrote the following comment on Small Business CEO:
It is time to challenge regular PR. I recommend you to read Stefan Engeseth’s new book, The Fall of PR and the Rise of Advertising. You could download it for free (PDF version) on his site (