Why Marketing Metrics Matter to Your Business

Avatar Posted by BizBest under Marketing
From http://www.bizbest.com 4218 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on January 8, 2013 8:45 pm
Measuring your marketing success (or lack of it) isn't magic, it's math. Here's the inside scoop on the marketing metrics you need to know...


Written by tiroberts
4217 days ago

You're so right, Daniel. It's important to test and measure every aspect of your business to improve conversions and scale up. So many new marketers don't get this aspect or take it lightly. But truthfully, this is one of the most important things you should be focusing on, once you've got the traffic flowing. Well written, thanks for sharing on bizsugar.


Written by bigmoneyweb
4218 days ago

Comprehensively written. Marketers need to measure a lot of things in order to get better. Not everyone does and those that do sometimes measure the wrong things. Thanks for sharing.

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