Another article, this one from BusinessWeek, on the health-care reform issue and how small businesses (or at least the lobbyists representing them) seem to be weighing in. The issue is an important one for small business certainly and, of course, much has already been posted on the subject, but in addition to sharing this article, I thought this might be a good opportunity for the bizSugar community to add our own two cents, so feel free to comment with your thoughts below and don't be shy.


Written by JimmiAmbrose
5397 days ago

I'm on the fence with this one, only because I don't know all the facts as of yet. But this article has definitely opened my eyes to a few points.

Written by SteveRogersCFA
5397 days ago

Agreed. How many government programs have actually increased public market efficiency? Don't think about it too long--the answer is none.

Written by lyceum
5397 days ago

I agree with the comment on BusinessWeek:


Oct 15, 2009 10:13 PM GMT

The solution is not to get the government involved."

It is time for real privatization and free market alternatives. I have seen scary examples how socialized medicine has made people "sicko" - paraphrasing Michael Moore's movie title - in Sweden. I recommend you to check out Americans For Free Choice in Medicine and We Stand Firm (Freedom and Individual Rights in Medicine) for a rational antidote in this matter.

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