Top 10 States for Small Biz - How Does Your State Rank?

Avatar Posted by Jed under News
From 5336 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggertone on December 17, 2009 10:26 am
Would you be surprised to learn that South Dakota is considered the most friendly state for small businesses and entrepreneurs? These particular rankings come from the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, a non-profit small business advocacy group.


Written by smallbiztrends
5336 days ago

Hi Martin, regarding Ohio's position: the current governor, who is a Democrat, is a pleasant surprise as he is much more fiscally responsible than the previous governor (a Republican) who just spent, spent, spent. The previous governor took the phrase "spend like a drunken sailor" to new extremes, unfortunately. What a disappointment he was! He let his people down. I guess it just goes to show that "tax and spend" doesn't always describe Democrats. There's a danger in over-generalizing.

But aside from a surprise like Ohio, I actually wasn't surprised by most of the rankings. Most of the time generalizations are deserved.

- Anita

Written by lyceum
5336 days ago

Anita: Do you think Ohio got a good position at #11? I am bit surprised that New Hampshire ended up (down?) at #33. I have ordered Who's Your City by Richard Florida. This report and the book will be good material for my decision of the future location in the land of opportunity.

I am interested to hear from other bisSugar members, giving me suggestions and tips on places for a small business entrepreneur like me! :)

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