Looking for how to make millennials read your blog posts? Here are 11 easy ways to get millennial readers to read your blog articles ...


Written by Inspiretothrive
850 days ago

Hi Moss, glad to hear shorter as many of my posts are under 1500 words. I do love scannable as well :) Thanks!

Written by Mossmedia
848 days ago

You're welcome, Lisa. Scannability is great for keeping readers on the page.

Written by Inspiretothrive
852 days ago

Thanks for sharing this one Enstine, great post I found it informative to target a younger audience with my blogs. I knew they didn't want lengthy posts but the stats in this one proved it.

Written by lyceum
851 days ago

Lisa: That is interesting. I would guessed that a younger audience would like shorter, "snackable" content.

All the Best,


Written by Mossmedia
851 days ago

Hi Lisa, I', happy that you like the post. And yes, targeting the millennial generation is an ideal way to grow your blog. But since they're always on the move, one of the best ways to keep them on your blog is to create shorter posts and make them scannable. The good thing is that numbers don't lie.

Nevertheless, I believe you meant "Moss," not "Enstine."

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