Like a CSI team uses forensic tools to solve a murder at a crime scene, a blogger uses plugins and applications to solve a problem on a website. I discovered my blog crime scene several months ago as I become a blog detective.
Log Entry 11/22/13
I opened my Gmail account and saw an email from Google Webmaster Tools – an essential website forensic tool. The message said: Warning! Warning! Learn how I become a blog detective and how you can learn from it as well.
An Armchair Blog Detective's Website Toolkit
Posted by Inspiretothrive under Online MarketingFrom 3885 days ago
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“Martin, I am not that far along yet. When I do get to live-streaming, I am...”
“Peter: I have to check out your post. Where in Sweden are you located?
“Robert: Have you tested live-streaming and then saving the session as a...”
“Lisa: Thanks for sharing this information. I have not used Grok so much...”
“Adam: I have to re-read the post and see if it is time to start another...”