Are You a Victim of the 5 Biggest SEO Content Myths?

Avatar Posted by nicolebeckett under Online Marketing
From 4649 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on November 6, 2011 7:05 pm
There are a ton of SEO content myths floating around out there. If you're putting stock in any of these 5 statements, your website and your profits are suffering!


Written by m4bmarketing
4645 days ago

I thought the syndication if they publish your whole article would be considered duplicate with the Google updates. That is what I read in a couple of articles.


Written by nicolebeckett
4644 days ago

Duplicate content refers to having the same content on multiple pages of the SAME site. Getting your articles syndicated on different websites is a great thing, and you certainly won't be penalized for it. In fact, with all of the targeted traffic and links, you'll be rewarded by it! :)

Thanks for taking the time to chime in!

Written by ivanwalsh
4645 days ago

Hadn't thought of “duplicate content” v Syndication like this. Hope this is true :)

Written by nicolebeckett
4644 days ago

It's a topic that many people are confused about (and, unfortunately, there are a ton of myths floating around about it). Google a sentence or two from one of your articles, Ivan. I'd bet it's been syndicated places (fetching you links and traffic) and you don't even know it! :)

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