Networking is so important in business life. Without it, we do not connect, or sell, simple as that. This post is a quirky look at email follow up from a business networking event.


Written by SEORabbit
4693 days ago

Great article, Elaine!

Ivan, I got that email, too! It looks like they're not even trying anymore...

Written by ivanwalsh
4693 days ago

I got one a while back that started....

Dear (First Name),

...makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Written by elainerogers
4693 days ago

They need to learn how to merge mails with contacts, AND double check it works!

Thanks Ivan

Written by nialldevitt
4693 days ago

Funny post, Elaine. I think it comes down to using your common sense and treating others as you would like to be treated yourself. Should be easy to do but unfortunately it's not. Social media in particular has increased, probably dramatically the number of interactions we have with other people every day - I suppose the challenge now becomes balancing the quantity with quality.

Written by elainerogers
4693 days ago

Thank you Niall, I would agree. The post is really just to highlight what we all experience - the good, the bad, and the downright ugly!

For people starting out with networking, whether online or a follow up of an off line contact, quantity can be great practice or simply overwhelming. Quality is what it comes down to ultimately, and as you suggest, mutual respect and courtesy.

Indeed, we don't get it all right, all of the time, but it's the effort that counts :)

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