Duplicate content can be a huge SEO nightmare.

If you are not careful, it can tank your website’s search engine rankings and cause you to lose traffic.

In this post, we will explain what duplicate content is, how it hurts your SEO and how to avoid it.

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Written by lyceum
751 days ago

Erik: Yeah! :)

All the Best,


Written by pvariel
752 days ago

Hi Erik,

So glad to read this great alert and warning.

A well written post on duplicate content and it's bad effects on our websites especially in the SEO part.

Oh, my i need to check this out on my site as i have several contents on the same subject especially on the subject "Blog Comments"

I need to fix this by using your this like the canonical tags and the 301 directs.

Thanks Erik for the timely warning.

Keep sharing.


~ Phil

Written by erikemanuelli
751 days ago

Maybe it's more about keyword cannibalization, than duplicate content, Phil.

Thanks for check-in and comment the post!

Written by lyceum
752 days ago

Erik: I don’t think so! ;)

Written by erikemanuelli
751 days ago

Good to hear it, Martin! :)

Written by erikemanuelli
752 days ago

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