Want to strike a nerve quickly with your writing? Here's 5 ways to grab your reader's attention (and keep it) when writing short copy.


Written by tiroberts
3965 days ago


You're darn right writing short copy is an art form. One that I've yet to master. LOL.

I must admit, I have a tendency to be long winded in my post; however, I'm working on getting better at that. I realize that business owners and bloggers are very busy and usually short on time. So they want content that they can easily digest and implement right away.

While I do want my blog to be a major go-to resource for my niche, I also want to keep my reader's experience and time in mind.

Oh, and great point about matching bullet lists with the blog header. I'll def have to try that one!

Great write up, Sir. Glad to that you're still at it. ;)


Written by KelvinIsAwesome
3964 days ago

Hey Ti!

It took a lot of time convincing myself that readers don’t want to hear every single thought that enters my brain. If they did, then hockey blue orange green tea purple monkey dishwasher. What were we talking about?

Thanks for the kind words, and heck yes I’m still at it! KELVIN WILL NEVER STOP.

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