Is Your Web Content Worth Less Than Horse Poop?

Avatar Posted by nicolebeckett under Online Marketing
From 4333 days ago
Made Hot by: Hesperasnet on September 15, 2012 4:52 am
If you’re one of those business owners who thinks he can get quality web content for $5 or $10, you’ve set the value for your content at a lower value than the value the Magic Kingdom has set for its horse poop.


Written by nicolebeckett
4330 days ago

Thanks for the kind words ladies :)

I don't understand why business owners (especially ones online) think they can get away with having "horse poop" content. If you want truly great stuff, you're going to have to pay for it. Unfortunately, too many people don't learn that until it's too late!

Written by marciabiz
4332 days ago

I did a doubletake when I saw this article title. Terrific analogy. When you pay crap you get crap.

Written by HeatherStone
4332 days ago


Great way to put it! Thanks for the additional comment!

Written by HeatherStone
4332 days ago


Well, your title is worth more than that, to be sure. But seriously, one of the things many business owners still don't see is the need to create quality content. If you can't have a newspaper or magazine spread created for that amount, why would you believe it's possible to create quality content for your marketing that way? Thanks for sharing the post!

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