Jim Kukral recommends this 28-page free report on content writing and SEO from the folks at Copyblogger. You can download it straight from a link on Jim's site. I haven't read it myself yet, but honestly have great respect for the Copyblogger team so it's on my to-do list. Hey, if anyone else has already seen this report and would like to give some feedback, please leave a comment below.


Written by ajayjoya
5190 days ago

hi shawn i found it more effective... great tips for us.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5191 days ago

Thanks Yonatan. It's all thanks to the wonderful community at BizSugar.com.

Written by yoni67
5191 days ago

Shawn, Holy Cow! A Big "Congrats" on your "Hot Topics" Trifecta!!!

Written by lyceum
5192 days ago

Shawn: Thanks for the link to the SEO report. I will show it to my business contact who is an expert on internet marketing. Have you tested Copyblogger's program Scribe?

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