Stop the Lies! Make Time for Your Success

Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Online Marketing
From 3706 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on June 9, 2014 12:24 pm
I wonder how many people would find success in online marketing if they didn’t come into it with the idea that you could simply put up a website and be able to deposit thousands of dollars in your bank account the next day?


Written by Inspiretothrive
3700 days ago

Great post Carol, We make time for those things that are the most important in our lives. It's a decision!

Written by Carol_Amato
3699 days ago

Hey there, you summed it up in one concise sentence, awesome! I agree wholeheartedly :)

- Carol

Written by tiroberts
3700 days ago

Hi Carol,

Wonderful article you've written. There are so many of us who have "reason" why we aren't where we want to be in our life and in our business yet, but they're really "excuses" that need to be cast aside. I've started doing some of that myself and I'm starting to see a difference. :)

Written by Carol_Amato
3700 days ago

I'm with ya, and I agree wholeheartedly! :)

Have a great week.

- Carol

Written by lyceum
3700 days ago

Carol: I will search on Audible for this book, so I could listen to it within 12 hours, than reading it in 12 days! ;)

Written by Carol_Amato
3700 days ago

Hi Lyceum!

Yep, awesome to use the audible. I often listen to podcasts when I've walking or doing housework. :)

Take Care,


Written by lyceum
3701 days ago

Carol: It looks that I have to add another book to my reading list! ;) What is the big idea in The 12 Week Year? By looking at the reviews on Amazon, it seems that the authors have been inspired by Mr. Covey...

Written by Carol_Amato
3700 days ago

Hi Lyceum,

"Rather than thinking in terms of what I can accomplish in a year, I’m now revamping my thought process to redefine my year into a 12 week-long period of time. Think about it this way – in a 12 week time period, you won’t have that long year ahead to become lackadaisical about your progress. If you have an entire year, you may become lazy and think, “Oh well…I have all year to do this.” It helps with our procrastination triggers."


"The need to intensify your progress becomes more urgent, and you’ll find that you get more done in a shorter amount of time – because you don’t have all year."

It's amazing how this results in high level productivity and achievement of goals. Highly recommended. I have the Kindle Version, but may be getting the hardback as well. :)

Hope to help.

- Carol Amato

Written by adrian1015
3706 days ago

It's true that are some people are always taking that this is very fast. In this business you had to take some time to build or grow your business.

Written by Carol_Amato
3706 days ago

That's right, quality over speed, but both is better. :)

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