The 5 Weirdest Guest Post Emails We've Received

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Online Marketing
From 1639 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on February 3, 2020 8:23 am
Giving a guest post option on your blog means getting your email out in the open.

Naturally, not all emails you receive will make as much sense as one would like.

Some of them will be written in a peculiar language while others will be completely out of touch with the reality of your industry - or any industry for that matter.

And so, we opened the email inbox of our editor and share with you the 5 best worst emails we've received so far:

- ‘The Cat Lady’
- ‘The WTF Jobs’
- ‘The Winner of Innovation in Titles & The Art of Writing’
- ‘The Grandmother’
- ‘The Seeker of Happiness’



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