The Pop-up: A Marketing Tactic We Love to Hate

Avatar Posted by lkpetrolino under Online Marketing
From 3308 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on July 8, 2015 7:53 am
The use of website pop-ups is a marketing tactic communications pros love to hate. But Laura Petrolino points out they have good use, if executed well


Written by LoginRadius
3306 days ago

Very interesting article you have shared here. Even I used to hate pop-ups but then one day I decided to be more open to trying new things on my website, after all change is good, right? So, I decided to try out pop-ups, no matter how much I dreaded it, I found some surprising results and I found out that pop-ups are actually not that bad if you implement them wisely. Your article is no exception with some useful best practices for using pop-ups. Keep sharing :)

Written by chicken201
3306 days ago

I don't like popup, Your website will slow

Written by lyceum
3306 days ago

I don't want to be anti, but I have an issue with pop ups... ;) But I must say, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I have learned more about pop marketing tactics.

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