The Power of Negative (Keyword) Thinking

Avatar Posted by graemebengeseo under Online Marketing
From 4277 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on November 10, 2012 4:56 am
Negative keywords now play an absolutely vital part of any AdWords campaign. My video explains what they do, what the benefits are and how to add them to your AdWords campaigns.


Written by HeatherStone
4277 days ago

Great overview. I don't think many people consider negative keywords when they do marketing...even if they're vaguely aware of them. They should! This presentation is a really great start. I'm wondering if negative keywords are as much of an issue with Web content as with keyworded ads.

Written by HeatherStone
4277 days ago

Thanks, Graeme! All very helpful points.

Written by graemebengeseo
4277 days ago

Thanks Heather, I reckon the big gain is that a lot of campaigns perhaps don't have enough data to effectively split test. By that I mean, split testing ads is really only meaningful after 100 impressions or even better 100 clicks. Problem is alot of starters aren't going to be there. So you need to get efficiencies elsewhere and a really tight keyword list, both positive and negative is the way forward I think.

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