If it is your responsibility to find, organize and distribute content, remember Internet marketer Ed Dale’s golden rule: “Don’t pretend to be an expert, be an enthusiast.” Here are three top tips to help you remain enthusiastic about finding, organizing and distributing content.

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Written by ivanwalsh
4652 days ago

Can we disagree and still be friends?

I think context, not content, is king.


Without context it's just words and pictures but may have little use to the reader.

So, before we start, we need to ask: will this specific piece of content be king to this specific reader.

Hope that makes sense,


Written by wdywft
4652 days ago

I am not disagreeing - content and context are both important, go hand in hand. Thanks for your comment!

Written by lyceum
4652 days ago

Ian: Is the context thing coming from Gary Vaynerchuk's latest book? Coudn't context be king and the context the queen?! ;)

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