Today's Top 5 Business Influencers

Avatar Posted by ryantaft under Online Marketing
From 5400 days ago
Made Hot by: arthurbland on October 13, 2009 3:19 pm
There are many smart people out there, but only a select few use their intelligence to help others succeed. Here's a list of today's top business influencers.


Written by lyceum
5396 days ago


I think that Gary Vaynerchuk will be included in forthcoming lists by blogger. You could read about my passions in my post, Cash In On Sour Grapes.

I will order Crush It in the near future...

Written by ethan
5397 days ago

Great little list, but I am surprised not to see Gary Vaynberchuk on there, especially with the release of his new book on how people can turn their passions and passtimes into income generating media outlets.

Written by ryantaft
5399 days ago

Thanks for reading my post. I hope you found it valuable.

Written by lyceum
5400 days ago

From the post:

"Anita Campbell: Anita is the Executive Editor of Small Business Trends. She’s also a renowned speaker. Anita has dedicated herself to helping small businesses thrive in today’s economy. Through her site, she spots business trends and relays them to her followers in a way that’s easy for us to understand. I recently began following Anita and the results have been impressive so far. If you’re a small business owner, I suggest you visit Anita’s site, go hear or speak, or follow her on Twitter: @smallbiztrends"

Anita: Congratulations! :)

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