Keywords have been a hot topic in the internet marketing world for awhile, and most businesses understand the importance of them. We all know, after all, that choosing the right keywords can make your marketing campaigns– both organic and PPC– more successful, so they shouldn’t be ignored.
But what exactly are “the right keywords?” How are brands able to find the right terms and phrases to optimize their sites, content, and ads for without relying on shoddy guesswork and a little luck?
Keyword research can answer all of these questions, and in this post, we’ll go over:
Why keyword research matters
How to conduct it step-by-step
The best tools you should be using along the way
Understanding Keyword Research: Everything You Need To Know
Posted by jonmikelbailey under Online MarketingFrom 2282 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on July 14, 2018 1:13 pm
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