What Ecommerce Trends Can Elevate Your Online Customer Traffic?

Avatar Posted by sudeep under Online Marketing
From http://www.b3net.com 3570 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on October 23, 2014 9:56 am
With the ever growing percentage rate of online products, retailers are trying to find out new ways to increase their marketing strategies that would help them get the maximum profit outcome.

With 2014 reaching its end, researchers have discovered business firms adopting different techniques, to build a better business-to-community relationship. As you will read on, you will find how the new trends appear to be more innovative and more consumer-centric (which is good) and these new steps are going to evolve in the coming 2015.


Written by tiroberts
3562 days ago

Your really have to be innovative when it comes to getting traffic to an eCommerce site. Thanks for sharing your insights on this.

Written by sudeep
3562 days ago


In my opinion some for biggest impact on overall online sales for rest of 2014 and beyond will be;

1. Delivery - Faster the better.

2. Customer Support - Retailers who provide live support both chat, phone, video will surely have an advantage over those who doesn't.

3. Privacy - Merchants who are taking the extra step to protect customer privacy will be winners. Especially better security.

4. Mobile - We are going to see consumers rushing to buy from their mobile devices. So retailers who gives a better mobile experience will score extra points.

Thank you for your question.

Written by lyceum
3564 days ago

Sudeep: Which trend do you think will have the biggest impact on the overall online sales in the future?

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