When the spreadsheet was invented in the late 1970s, it was a miracle. Suddenly, time-consuming tasks previously done on paper could be completed on a computer. We relied on the spreadsheet for decades, using it to set up contact databases, do our finances, and create reports.

But we live in modern times now, and the spreadsheet, while it still has its place, is slowly becoming passé for many functions.

If you’re still relying on spreadsheets to organize data, manage finances, and keep on top of customer contacts, try these better solutions instead.


Written by WilliamReview
2555 days ago

It is really useful for me! Thanks for sharing! https://williamreview.com/settings-permalinks/

Written by yoda4help
2557 days ago

Airtable is a user-friendly and powerful web app and desktop app for organizing and tracking data.

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