Do you ever end a day, tired and spent, and wonder how you used your time? This is especially true for some bloggers I know, who have shared they sometimes get to the end of a day and think “I have nothing to show for the time I spent at the computer.”


Written by lyceum
3600 days ago

Carol: You are welcome! :)

Written by lyceum
3600 days ago

Thanks Carol! Here is the link to my podcast site on BlogTalkRadio:

New podcasts are located on EGO NetCast.

Written by Carol_Amato
3600 days ago

Thank you, appreciate that! :-)

Written by lyceum
3600 days ago

Carol: Have you tested Chrometa? I did an interview with Brett Owens, CEO of Chrometa on September 19, 2010, on EGO podcast (BlogTalkRadio).

Written by Carol_Amato
3600 days ago

Hey! No, I haven't - really? Cool! Will have to check it out. - Carol :-)

Written by Carol_Amato
3611 days ago

Hi Adrian,

I appreciate you letting me know. I think many of us are in the dark about the actual time we spend on certain things.

It's a big shocking to get that first weekly report because we somehow trick ourselves into thinking we're 'working' when we do not have strict deadlines for tasks and end up flitting around way too much on any given day.

Please do keep in touch to let me know how it goes with Rescue Time and/or Toggl. It will be an eye opener for sure.

You're very welcome, Adrian, and I appreciate you stopping by to leave a comment.

Have a great weekend. :-)

- Carol

Written by adrian1015
3611 days ago

Hi Carol,

Wow, this is awesome. I need help so bad. I think I spend to much time on games and social sites. I’m going to get Rescue time… Thank you for letting me know about this great tool.

I will let you know how goes.

- Adrian

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