Even this title uses one of them!

Read on to discover which potent emotional traits your business is overlooking — before keen competitors beat you to it.


Written by Sam-Hurley
1950 days ago

Cheers for sharing this one with the BizSugar folks, Erik. :-)

Were there any particular aspects that surprised you?

I found altruism to be especially interesting — It's a *very* deep topic!

Catch you soon,



Written by erikemanuelli
1949 days ago

I've been always aware about the connections between sales and emotions, based on my experience of salesman, in past.

I particularly enjoyed the first chapter of the post, where you talk about good feelings.

As you stated, some of the desirable feelings associated with altruism are joy, satisfaction and gratitude; it essentially makes us feel good.

That's so true!

Written by pvariel
1950 days ago

Thanks, Erik, for this wonderful share here. Yes, our emotions can play a vital role in every dealings especially in our online purchasing.

The end note (image of the false ad) of the post is really worth notable. Fake advertising or get rich quick schemes are really flashing all thru the net.

In short, it is really a trap in the net. One should be very vigilant in this area. As you said there are far too many of those already. The sad fact is that even popular platforms like Facebook and top websites are flashing such fake ads on their site. I have posted an alert post in this regard on my site sometime back and I updated recently. I am happy to share the link here: https://www.pvariel.com/dont-fall-trap-breaking-news-facebook/

Hope this will get an alert to the readers.

Thanks, Sam for this informative share. Keep sharing.

Best Regards

~ Philip

Written by Sam-Hurley
1950 days ago

Thanks a bunch, Philip! :)

What a coincidence that you also recently covered this aspect of greed! I'm glad you did — It adds further substance to the power of this emotion (although sadly, sometimes used in completely the wrong way).

Thanks again for your feedback,


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