It can be frustratingly difficult to predict when a seemingly warm lead will suddenly go cold on you. Sometimes, there’s an obvious mismatch the very first time a prospect visits your website. Other times, you might hit a dead end only after you’ve spent a huge amount of time and resources nurturing a lead.

Whether you run an e-commerce store, a tech startup, a large SaaS company or a multi-million dollar consultancy, your business has the potential to leak hundreds of thousands of dollars every day simply because your lead generation program is faulty. However, with the latest available technologies, which are capable of automating the extraction of insights from business data, there is no reason for companies to bleed money like this any longer.

Here’s how three companies — an online B2B service, a consumer e-commerce company, and a well-known multichannel retail store — use marketing technology to nurture leads and generate more sales….


Written by pearlyo
2738 days ago

Great share!

Written by ravichahar
2739 days ago

Hey Erik,

To attain a position which can be termed as superior can only be done if you analyze the data.

The tools like Leedfeeder can really help.


Written by erenmckay
2740 days ago

It takes a lot of analysis to be able to fully comprehend the best approach to nurturing leads. The fact that technology helps us in this process is essential to truly cater to each prospect's needs.

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