5 Things That Will Kill Your Mojo

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From http://mindshare.salesblogcast.com 5049 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 4, 2010 7:16 am
Ever walk out of a sales meeting with that worried half-frown and sick feeling in your gut. That sense that something is missing.

That you lost your mojo.
It’s so difficult too, because your whole being is screaming out at you to get your mojo back. In that moment, there’s nothing more important than you being back in control of your destiny. Back in control of the world seemingly crashing down around you.


Written by Entrepreneurosaurus
5045 days ago

Some great advice for getting your mojo workin'...or working again as the case may be. As the post says, best advice is don't loose it in the first place.

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