Aggressive Sales: The Dangers To Your Brand

Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Sales
From 2849 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on November 30, 2016 10:58 am
I don't like aggressive sales. I think its unnecessary and it erodes trust between you and your brand. So what do I do when I get an aggressive sales call? I blog about it.


Written by GuvenAvcu
2847 days ago


Written by lyceum
2847 days ago

David: Could you call this for deadpan sales tactics? We call this kind of sales type for a briefcase plonker.

Written by davidlowbridge
2847 days ago

I think the major problem with these kind of sales tactics is that they navigate around the needs of the prospect. If you product isn't viable for a customer at the time, you should thank them for their time and move on to the next customer.

Just because you can't sell to them now, doesn't mean in six months you can't. I have had prospects on my CRM for over a year before they've made a purchase. Now they are some of my most valuable customers.

The salesperson who inspired this blog post, was just in it for his own instant commission and approached it as such. That was the first and most deadly mistake.

Then again, is it his fault, or does his leadership team pressure him so much to hit certain targets he is panic selling? Are we too pushy with targets when it comes to our sales team?

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