Can You Sell Better Than the Saleswomen of the Tibetan Mountain Passes?

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5077 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on September 3, 2010 2:56 pm
Great salespeople exhibit great sales behaviors. This is true no mater where you go in the world, including the remote Tibetan mountain passes. What can you learn from the saleswomen of the Tibetan mountain passes?


Written by mikeholmes
5075 days ago

I like this post.

You have to respect their motivation, hunger, drive, persistence, and ability to sell. They make me wanna try a new strategy with my book; "Cheap! Cheap!" :)

Written by onreact
5077 days ago

I can't read your blog. The font is too fuzzy without anti-aliasing. Use web safe fonts. There are many people using Windows XP or who have switched off ant-aliasing for readability reasons.

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