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Written by lyceum
502 days ago

Harleena Singh_ No problem!

All the Best,

Martin Lindeskog

Written by lyceum
503 days ago

The link is working. Did you write a title and summary for the post, David?


Written by harleenas
502 days ago

Yes, I did write a proper description and edited it twice, somehow did not come through...sorry for that :)

Written by amabaie
503 days ago

Oh, I see the content is back.

Written by pvariel
503 days ago

Hi Harleena,

As David mentioned something is missing in the description but the link is ok. i just visited and dropped a comment.



Written by amabaie
504 days ago

Oops. Something happened to this post.

Written by pvariel
503 days ago

Yes David, but the link is ok i reached there and commented.

Hey, David, the much awaited roundup post is live now, please do have a look and share your views.

Glad that you are in.



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