10 Reasons Why Your New Year's Resolution is Bull****

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Self-Development
From http://entreb.com 3863 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 2, 2014 6:47 pm
Choosing January 1 to start a better way of life is a more logical choice of day than choosing a day without a bang. That is why there are still many people who believe in the tradition of setting a New Year’s Resolution to be kept throughout the year. However, most resolutions just become worthless. Many people are fond of making foolish resolutions that they can’t even keep even for a week.


Written by viclogic
3853 days ago

Thanks Tiroberts. Specific actionable plans are plans usually accomplished strategically.

Written by tiroberts
3857 days ago

LOL! Great article title. I agree, I do fall for new years resolutions anymore. I just make detailed action plans and follow them to achieve my goals. Resolutions are for the birds. :)

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