3 Reasons I Am ‘Over Myself’

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Self-Development
From http://strellasocialmedia.com 2890 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on October 6, 2016 12:06 pm
Do you ever find that you don’t follow your own advice? I do! I tell my clients to formulate an editorial calendar and write their blogs a day to a week in advance. Yet, I’m grasping for a topic the afternoon of launch. Ordinarily, I would get down on myself for not following the advice I tell others. But, not today. And, here’s why…


Written by tiroberts
2884 days ago

So needed this article! Thanks for sharing.

Written by lyceum
2885 days ago

Rachel: Thanks for your input and clarification. I like your thought provoking posts. It is food for thought.

Yes, as a social media evangelist with long experience in new media, I will keep it up! :) Your post gave fuel for my soul.

All the Best,


Written by crisstar663
2885 days ago

I do find that I do get in my own way and I try to lead by example, and as you know it sometimes don't work out that way.

I think the important thing here is that you give good advice, regardless or not you always follow what you say (of course you always should). The goal is the message you're putting out - you're the messenger, not the message.

You're right on point when you wrote, "As long as we point our clients in the right direction, we need to cut ourselves some slack."

At the end of the day, that is what we should be aiming for - helping people.

Written by centralpawebster
2885 days ago

Thank you for reading and commenting. I am glad to know that what I say resonates with other people. No one is perfect, but self-awareness is key. I think other people can relate.

Written by lyceum
2885 days ago

Corrisa: Welcome to BizSugar. Thanks for adding your $0.02 to the thread. Talking about being a messenger, have you heard about the podcast documentary, The Messengers?

Written by lyceum
2886 days ago

Rachel: I am not getting "over myself," but I get your idea behind your post. I recently got a new client who wants to to a re-start of her blog, and I will "hold her hand." I have said to her: "Don't do as I do (myself re. blogging), do as I say." ;) She is happy with this advice! :) I will send her the link to your post. I bet she will appreciate your post, and it could give her inspiration for her next blog post.

All the Best,


Written by centralpawebster
2886 days ago

Thanks for pointing out that you didn't understand the title. I think my point was that sometimes, we need to get out of our own way.

I am glad you have clients that understand and follow your advice. That's often difficult even IF you lead by example. Keep it up!

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