5 Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Irresistible

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Self-Development
From http://dashburst.com 4169 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on April 9, 2013 10:05 am
Are you looking to make your LinkedIn profile more attractive to recruiters? Search engine optimization is a key element of your LinkedIn profile. Add specific keywords aligned with you skills to help highlight potential items employers might be searching for like 'social media manager' or 'website designer.' Also, scatter the important keywords organically throughout your profile.


Written by QueenMaa
4162 days ago

Thanks for the tips! I do have a linkedin profile and I am going to start participating more at Linkedin.

Written by Entrepreneurosaurus
4162 days ago


I have no idea why telling a story is so difficult for some companies. This is despite the fact that it would work much better than most of their salesy patter.

Written by tcamba
4162 days ago

I got hit. My profile seems to be somewhat blurry and has a handkerchief in the in neck area.

Written by tiroberts
4167 days ago

Cool Linkedin tips. I haven't really used linkedin much, although I do have a profile. Linkedin is mostly for a B2B market and that's not really where my audience lies. But great tips; I'm sure those who use Linkedin will find much value in your article.


Written by BizRock
4169 days ago

This is a great post.These tips would definitely be a great help for me.Thanks for giving me some pointers and ideas.

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