5 Ways To Banish The Fear Of Public Speaking

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Self-Development
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on December 13, 2012 6:00 pm
Public Speaking is sure death! Is it really? Not when you follow these TOP 5 Tips to banish your fear of public speaking or presenting to a group of people.


Written by adukes81
4242 days ago

A great share! I jut did my first workshop for small business owners yesterday. My first ever public speaking engagement. Not a huge showing, but it was something I needed to conquer. I plan to start running workshops a few times/month and grow my audience.

It wasn't as bad s I thought :)

Written by elainerogers
4242 days ago


Thank you so much for sharing your story with us - what a success!! It's never as bad as we THINK it will be :)

Best wishes with your workshops in 2013

Written by tcamba
4243 days ago

Speaking in front of a crowd is my greatest fear but you put up some valid points about how to banish the fear. I have very important lessons learned here. Thank you for sharing this post. You make public speaking not difficult anymore.

Written by elainerogers
4243 days ago

Hi Teepu,

You are most welcome!! It's all in the mindset, practice and knowing that you can have a positive thought JUST as easily as a negative thought!

And of course, Martin's (Lyceum) suggestion below is a great idea!

Written by lyceum
4243 days ago

Teepu: I recommend you to check out an organization called Toastmasters International. Great public speaking training.

Written by BizRock
4244 days ago

Excellent ways how to banish the fear of public speaking! I like your final conclusion! They are up front of you and they seek your help! Just beat your fear and step up, that will help you and that is how you will help others!

Thank you for sharing!

Written by elainerogers
4243 days ago

Most welcome Goran,

And thank you too for sharing with your own community. An audience wouldn't be there if they did not want to learn (or at least find out how much or little they know already)

Whatever way we look at it, they want value, and that is always positive :)

Written by Sian Phillips
4244 days ago

Well you know me Elaine - would be sure death for me :) Brilliant post - I read it thinking how great it would be.....for anyone but me :)

Written by elainerogers
4243 days ago

Once a want to change becomes greater than the need to stay the same, change happens. And change is generally perceived by humans as negative, whereas it can also be positive.

And just sometimes, it means simply putting yourself in that position to realise it's not so bad, afterall. And the sense of achievement and euphoria so outweighs the initial fear.

Best wishes Sian, perhaps a local toastmasters may be an opportunity to get over that initial hurdle!

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