6 Ways To Turn Things Around

Avatar Posted by FrederiqueMurphy under Self-Development
From http://mountainmovingmindset.com 4327 days ago
Made Hot by: Llewellyn on September 24, 2012 8:00 am
In this article, I share with you 6 ways to turn things around. Things happen: happened, are happening, and will continue to happen; don’t let them stand in your way to success; have a read, and learn how to turn things around to your advantage.


Written by lyceum
4321 days ago

Frederique: Thank you very much for your positive reply! I am having an action-packed week so far! Tomorrow starts the Book Fair in Gothenburg and I will look for business literature.

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4321 days ago

You are very welcome Martin, enjoy the book fair!!!

Written by lyceum
4323 days ago

To turn things really around is to put ideas in action.

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4323 days ago

Hi Martin,

Thank you for the comment.

Yes, it is, and that's why these 6 ways are all actions; and strongly emphasized as such in the last one; the first 5 ones, are extra pluses, and act as critical disctinctions to support you and your mind in your journey of growth.

Have an action-packed week,


Written by tcamba
4324 days ago

I have always told myself that I gotta turn things around but my problem is how to act on it. Whenever I reach that point, I seem to go into some sort of confusing limbo. T_T

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4324 days ago

Hi Teepu,

Thank you for the comment.

This particular article will help you in turning things around to their best; so, way #1, first and foremost, shows you the way to be empowered by the process, and, ways #2, 3, 4 & 5, help you doing it with powerful shifts and distinctions (i.e., processing it). Way #6 is in the act; in the article I recommend to follow the 3-step plan to change (it links to a previous blog), have you been through it? It seems to be ideal, for where you are, as it will help you act.

Have an active week,


Written by Sian Phillips
4327 days ago

Your post is so timely for me Frederique as I am in need of turning something around this week. I will definitely try your technique as it makes sense to me. Plus your advice in the past has always worked for me. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4327 days ago

Hi Sian,

Thank you for the comment.

Delighted it was extra timely, it makes it extra special! And, thank you, for sharing your previous positive experience when applying the M3 techniques. Let me know how you get on, I know your thing will change direction soon!

Have a fantastic week,


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