7 things today's businesspeople need to succeed

Avatar Posted by [email protected] under Self-Development
From http://www.internetmasterycenter.com 3864 days ago
Made Hot by: Siraj on December 27, 2013 2:26 pm
1. Create strategies with a global context. Even many solopreneurs now operate globally. 2. Know when affordability trumps innovation. In many markets, users don’t care about innovation; they care about basic, affordable functionality...


Written by [email protected]
3863 days ago

Totally agree with you, Tiroberts. Of course, my post is only a brief summary. From experience, when it comes to collaboration, I feel that the work, responsibility and rewards must be clearly defined so that roles are optimized. Thanks for reading and have a prosperous 2014!

Written by tiroberts
3864 days ago

Biz owners need to collaborate more and leverage each others talents to grow further and beyond what they can do on their own. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.

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