They say in business and in life “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But does it really? It can just as easily make you bitter, scared, cynical, depressed, or hopeless. Life is full of trials and so we desperately do what we can to find purpose or meaning within our struggles, anything to simply tell us that there is reason behind the madness of the world. Yet the more we struggle with these questions, the more paralyzed by fear we can become.
Why is there suffering in the world? How can we prevent grief? Why can’t things just be easy? These are age-old questions and I don’t think any of us are going to find the answers anytime soon. Write it off as a fallen world or imperfect people, it doesn’t matter why. What matters is what we do when we are in the heart of the storm. Will the bad weather kill u s, make us stronger, or shoot us out with so many scars that we can’t even recognize ourselves?
Business Trials:The Common Sense Approach
Posted by markzarr under Self-DevelopmentFrom 4392 days ago
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