Celebrate loving being an entrepreneur everyday.

Avatar Posted by Brandingdiva under Self-Development
From http://wp.me 4947 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on February 20, 2011 5:30 am
Every day I hear people complaining about their jobs. They don't like what they do. They don't like their boss. They don't like the hours and schedules


Written by LWatrous
4946 days ago

I love my job, and I especially love my boss. She lets me take a day off when I feel crummy, and I never have to worry about being spotted in public when I want to play hookey. My hubby and I joke about my boss being awesome quite often when I decide to break up the monotony of working from home every once in a while. ;)

Written by sherisaid
4946 days ago

That's the exact list I cite when people ask me how I like working from home. Working in my jammies is at the top of the hit list :D

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