Ditch the Work You Hate by Hiring Virtual Assistant

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Self-Development
From http://www.business2community.com 2654 days ago
Made Hot by: fthead9 on April 22, 2017 9:44 pm
Your current team can’t handle any extra work. You’ve exhausted your process automation opportunities. You’ve got no choice but to bring in a fresh face.


Written by mallaharidat
2641 days ago

Great article. And the key point is developing a hiring process. Don't just shuffle the work and expect it be done without setting expectations and onboarding.

Written by mallaharidat
2641 days ago

Great article. And the key point is developing a hiring process. Don't just shuffle the work and expect it be done without setting expectations and onboarding.

Written by tiroberts
2645 days ago

Virtual assistants save lives, literally

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