Entrepreneurs: Will you do anything for Money?

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Self-Development
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 4654 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on November 1, 2011 5:13 pm
Entrepreneurs start a business for many reasons, but most are driven by money (unless, of course, you start a non-profit.) Here’s a question for you: Will you do anything for money (or to increase profits)?


Written by ivanpw
4571 days ago

@Ivanwalsh - agreed. I realized that I need to manage better online friends. I once befriend many "creative" internet marketers and online money makers, and I got this nickname by a critical-but-fair online forum moderator: "Link pimp" - ouch... and yes, getting rid that rep is not easy...

@Randymorrow - that's an inspiring story - I can relate to what you've experienced when I run a type of online business that makes good money but questionable on ethics (not adult niche, but I did grey hat money making activities - agreed, it didn't felt good, after all...)

Written by ivanwalsh
4650 days ago

You’re judged by the friends you keep both offline and online.

One thing to consider when partnering with others is how this will affect your reputation - which you can’t buy back.


Written by randymorrow
4653 days ago

NO. A few years back I had a client whom I was ready to fire. I did not agree nor like their ethics. Money was tight, I was going to have a five figure paycheck from the sale, and so I gave in. When the sale was final, I felt FILTHY. I went back to my wife, looked her in the eyes, and very calmly said "please NEVER ask me to do that again". Then I went up and took a very long shower. Money is not worth your integrity. (I've fired two other clients since then, and I felt GREAT when I walked away).

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