Hah-hah-hah! Hee-hee-hee. LOL!

Cultural, religious and ethnic sensitivity...and some things that can make people look like idiots!


Written by hamed1
4853 days ago


It is sad that so many people don't seem to understand that there is nothing funny about Hitler. I grew up reading text books in school that Jews are not human. In Gaza there are summer camps that teach kids terror. And did you know that in the 1940 the Grand Mufti of Palestine Haj Amin al Husseini asked Hitler for the design of the gas chamber so he could use them to kill the Jews of Palestine.

I still have many problems with the government of Israel and the policies. But I am an Arab who despises Adolf Hitler and believes in peace!



Written by rush
4856 days ago

And the answer to WTF?


Written by yoni67
4856 days ago

Thank you Rush; I see you made the connection. Glad you got to see the article...I see the site is down...AGAIN!


Written by techfordummies
4856 days ago

Words of deep wisdom.

Written by yoni67
4856 days ago

Muchas gracias!


Written by yoni67
4856 days ago

Dearest commentors and respondents,

Sorry about the delay in thanking you. We enjoyed a nice family outing to the lowest place on planet Earth yesterday, the Dead Sea, and were far out of contact of any internet...a blessing. My report on the Dead Sea. No signs of life...still quite dead.

To all of the commentors: Duncan, Shosh, Braden, Shep, Ofira, Magpie, Ben, Ollie, BG and Portfolio....THANK YOU for your replies, insight and support.

I don't like to do the group reply thing but I must leave in about fifteen minutes.

Thank you for reading and for taking the time to pen your thoughts!


Written by joemagid
4857 days ago


Joe "Magpie" Magid

Written by ScorchedEarth
4857 days ago

Very hard hitting Yonatan. Now the bad news. Had you submitted this to The Post in a slightly different format it would have been a shoe-in for publication. Very originial.


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4857 days ago


I didn't really know what Blackface is until I read it on your blog. I did a bit of reading in order to understand. I found this interesting tidbit on cnn.com titled 'Blackface Is Never Okay'. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It is important to understand differing cultures all in order to be more sensitive.

The url is:



Written by ben.corporate@ILforums
4857 days ago

Exceptional job Yonatan! I just don't understand. There are so many things to choose from that are really funny. Why risk offending people with things that people will or might find insulting and offensive. And why use these types of things for business when the repercussion can mean alienating readers and customers.


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4856 days ago


I agree. I keep a lot of opinions to myself like politics with customers. Why risk alienating people? Hitler is another question. Maybe their are some people who admire him but most will be offended by trying to find humor in him.

Heidi K.

Written by Portfolio33
4857 days ago

The only thing to take the steam out of this one, Job Shuk is now down ;(

Written by BusinessGuru
4857 days ago

I see that a lot of passion went into this. You really hit the mark on this one!


Written by Portfolio33
4857 days ago

I just cast my vote. You are tied for number one!


Written by Portfolio33
4857 days ago


You are a few points away from number one for the day on IL, very rare for a business blog. I'm assuming the message is resonating with a lot of readers.

Written by shepherd
4857 days ago

The Hitler video is stupid and unprofessional. The New York Times article is way past sane and newsworthy. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a lot of bad reaction to it. I don't see any comments section on the article. Nice job!


Written by BradenM
4857 days ago

Kudos Yoni!

These things are not funny even though some people tend to continue to think they are. Great blog posting!


Written by businessavante
4857 days ago

All I can say is: WELL SAID!!!


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4857 days ago

Also, 75 hits in 2 hours. Not bad for a saturday post!


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4857 days ago

Very powerful Yoni! I saw the link from ILForum/JBLOG and voted over there too!


Written by yoni67
4857 days ago

Thanks guys. I had to write it. My 2-cents.

Written by profit613
4857 days ago


Thank you for writing this post that is not at all funny but definitely thought provoking.

Rochelle Rochelle

Written by saraib820
4857 days ago


Very important post and nicely done!

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