Yesterday during a Senate confirmation hearing, a U.S. Senator (businessman) was caught sleeping and doodling by cameras.

This chapter in American Politics has implications and repercussions on all of our BUSINESSES!


Written by globalcopywrite
5140 days ago

Hi Yoni, I once sat in an important meeting when my manager pulled out a pair of nail clippers and started clipping his nails on the boardroom table of our biggest prospect for that quarter. I was appalled and so was our host. I would add personal grooming to the list of things not to do in a meeting.

Written by yoni67
5140 days ago

Bad behavior! I'll add it to the list!


Written by m4bmarketing
5140 days ago

Hi Yoni,

You make very good points. I must admit I have been known to doodle and get distracted especially when someone rambles on and does not get to the point.

Thanks for the reminders.


Written by yoni67
5139 days ago


Thanks for the feedback! Doodling and distraction in small doses is okay...we're all human and people can be boring.

It's just good not to get caught and to know when the cameras are watching!

Have a great day!


Written by yoni67
5140 days ago


Thanks for stopping by and reading! You are right, he should have stuck with comedy, though I never really thought he was very funny :(

Anyway, a big CONGRATULATIONS on your position as esteemed BizSugar moderator!

Also, looking forward to reading more of your great submissions.

All the best,


Written by businessavante
5140 days ago

Maybe he should go back to Saturday Night Live and do "Stuart Smiley" bits - those were SUPPOSED to be amusing!


Written by BusinessGuru
5140 days ago


Wonderfully done. You have an amazing knack for telling a story and making things very interesting. Our blog writer will be on vacation for three weeks in mid=September. Perhaps you would like to fill in temporarily? I will email you the details.

Written by ofirafromjobshuk
5140 days ago

A very nice job Yonatan. Your tremendous writing style is a benefit to your clients and for the traffic and interest you are bringing to Jobshuk. I enjoy your items very much and will visit you here at bizsugar often.



Written by yoni67
5140 days ago

Thanks Ofira,

I'm glad you enjoy my writing and I'm glad that I have been able to generate a lot of traffic to the JobShuk website.

Kindest regards,


Written by yoni67
5140 days ago


Thanks, and CONGRATULATIONS to you, our new moderator!!!!!!

Written by ajayjoya
5140 days ago

it is really bad, that you are only physically available in meetings not mentally. thanks Yanaton

Written by yoni67
5140 days ago

Heidi, Alan and Shoshi,

Thanks for your kind responses. Yes, it certainly makes a bad impression. It is a lesson which was pretty easily translated to the world of business!



Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
5140 days ago

Yoni, I love the way you can take an event and turn it into a business article with lessons. Another great job!


Written by alinisrael
5140 days ago

Yonatan, You are right. He IS a businessman and sleeping on the job doesn't cut it. Especially when your position is so important and the cameras are watching.


Written by lovedthisarticle!
5140 days ago

Bad, bad impression!!!!

Heidi K.

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