Is It Possible To Build A Business With A Family And Kids?

Avatar Posted by timjahn under Self-Development
From 5023 days ago
Made Hot by: yoni67 on October 31, 2010 3:51 am
There’s a lot of talk out there about how you need to “crush it” to build your successful business, how you need to spend all your evenings and weekends working, and how you need to sacrifice everything else in your life to make it all happen. That’s fine and dandy for folks that don’t have a family and/or children. But what about the people that do?


Written by marianepojerras
5011 days ago

It can really be done, we have business in our family and involves my parents as the head managers and us, their children as the supervisors. This set-up would help their children to have goals in life and to look forward to their future an most especially to give value for money.

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