Labels… The words and adjectives we use for ourselves and others, both in business and in life. We use labels to define ourselves, describe ourselves, introduce ourselves; in this article, I share with you my thoughts and the good, the bad and the ugly as increasing your awareness on the labels you are currently using will have an amazing impact on your results: in life and in the way you run your business.

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Written by businessavante
4680 days ago

Hi Frederique.

Once something - or someone - is labeled, they're dismissed as that from then on.


Written by businessavante
4679 days ago

You're right, of course, Frederique. I meant those who apply the label will be the ones dismissing everything "as labeled".

Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4679 days ago

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your comment.

Yes and No; yes, some people will take a label and let its meaning influences their behaviours, and No, some people will be able to let go of a "past" label and move forward.

However, and, in my opinion, way more importantly than what people thinks is that no one can make us feel anything unless we let them do it. I recently wrote a post (and submitted it onto BizSugar, of course ;-) about that.

The way we react in entirely in our hands, and it is about shifting the responsibility to ourselves.

So, sticking with the analogy used in my article, and sharing one of my stories, while I was labelled many things during my teenhood, as I know many other readers will relate, it was and still is 100% my responsibility to decide on my future and not to let those labels (and negative meanings) impact my life, and thus, the way I run my business.

It is always up to us.


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