Reclaiming Your Time is the Best Productivity Hack

Avatar Posted by sawarams under Self-Development
From 3010 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on May 2, 2016 10:16 am
While balancing home and the workplace is always tedious, finding enough time at the office to meet targets and deadlines can prove to be more challenging than ever. Any working professional, regardless of the industry, needs to find ways to save more time at work and still enhance productivity. When you save time, you increase your productivity.


Written by lyceum
3004 days ago

Joe: Thanks for your input. I have looked at Pocket app and studied the Pomodoro technique a bit, but I have ingrained it in my daily worklife yet... ;)

Written by AngelBiz
3007 days ago

Your tips about using Reminders is my personal favorite. It takes items off your mind and puts in a "safe" place from where you can retrieve at appropriate time later on. It's those items that stay in your mind that nag you and drain your productivity.

Written by sawarams
3007 days ago

Angel, Glad to know you liked an article. Yes I personally too like reminder

Written by lyceum
3007 days ago

OK. Do you know about any app that could be useful? ;)

Written by Jos91
3004 days ago

I use pocket and pomodoro challenge. Super helpful.

Written by lyceum
3007 days ago

Btw: Do you use an app for this habit formation?

Written by sawarams
3007 days ago

No, I am not using any app

Written by lyceum
3007 days ago

sawarams: Thanks for your input! I thought it took 21 / 66 days! ;)

Best Premises,

Martin Lindeskog

Written by lyceum
3008 days ago

Habit alteration is a good productivity hack. I want to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. How do I do that?! ;)

Written by sawarams
3007 days ago

You can simply try atleast for 15 days.

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