No need to hide like Ferris Bueller!

Refreshing the pyschological batteries: It's a concept I learned long ago, and no doctor's note needed!

This blog post has been approved by Sigmund Freud!


Written by Management Direct
4748 days ago

I think we must start a system of Psychological days off. I like the meta thing though: as a freelance writer you can write about taking a day off. Like writing about how you don't want to write. I remember a friend who got a high grade for a poem which was about how much she hated being forced to write poems! Brian

Written by LWatrous
4911 days ago

Taking a day off from work from time to time is always necessary. When you're not on top of your game, you're not useful to your business. I take one day a month (besides the weekends) now. I worked every single day, even if it was just a few hours, for a year...the first year my business was operational. Never again!!

Written by yoni67
4911 days ago


Every day for a year?!!?

And you're alive to tell about it? That is too much and as you stated it affects one's ability to be at the top of their game. Thankfull as a writer I also have downtime, those days I would like to work but when there is no work to be found :)


Written by nncthomas4
4911 days ago

As we at Greenpoint know well sadly Sunday is the start of the Israeli workweek. Maybe one day the psychological day will take hold here. Until it is work or be like Ferris!

Written by businessavante
4912 days ago

Hi Yoni,

They call those "personal" days here, starting in the '80's. But it's been over a decade since you could take one off w/o jumping through hoops. The original idea was great, then the malingerers started abusing them like they do everything else, ruining it for those that might really need it.

The hospital I worked at was something like Greenpoint - they talked endlessly about caring about their employees, but didn't back it up with actual care.

businessavante (Duncan)

Written by yoni67
4911 days ago


I think the one necessary aspect is to have those few days when you can call in on a moment's notice and say "Sorry, I ain't coming in. No fake coughs or sneezes, no reason given, I just ain't gonna make it today...CLICK!"


Written by ronika
4912 days ago

Most freelancers/business owners that I know have a really hard time taking any time off. At a certain point you don't realize how exhausted you actually are, which can have serious consequences . I try to make it point to not work at all on Saturdays unless it is absolutely urgent. I also try not to schedule work for Friday, but that can be a little more difficult to maintain.

Your picnic lunch sounds really nice!

Written by yoni67
4911 days ago


I think the days off need to be strategic so as not to fall behind. I too try to do the 'no weekend' thing, but sometimes that option falls by the wayside :(


Written by sherisaid
4912 days ago

I used to give my children the occasional "mental health day" off from school. We would go to the Science Center, Seaworld, or anywhere else that would be both fun and a learning experience. It was great for all of us. I think a break in routine once in a while is necessary for survival.

Written by sherisaid
4911 days ago

Exactly, Yoni...I live here in Orlando, so for us, it was usually a day now and then. A smart mom can make a learning experience almost anywhere. For the record, I'm considering a yearly pass to seaworld for my hub and I. Without the pressure of HAVING to do everything because you only have one day, it's a lovely stroll and comparatively inexpensive way to see a show or spend a relaxing afternoon inside a giant aquarium. Seaworld is going to be my mental health day this least once a month.

Written by yoni67
4911 days ago


My mom used to give my sister and I the "mental health week" from school. It was a trip to Florida every January. I remember her notes to the principal well...she would pledge to make the trips educational with museums and historical sites although it was always just beach and shuffleboard :)


Written by marketingm8
4912 days ago

Taking a day off used to be easy! It is NOT easy for me, I enjoy work so much and hate to think I might be missing something! I remember in the 80's people saying 'In the future, with the help of technology, we'll only need to work about 20-30 hours per week!' That didn't quite work out, did it?

Written by yoni67
4912 days ago


A day off might be hard to arrange, but sometimes it is a necessity! Today with the oild and floor cleaner I had no choice :)


Written by BradenM
4912 days ago


As we at Greenpoint know well sadly Sunday is the start of the Israeli workweek. Maybe one day the psychological day will take hold here. Until it is work or be like Ferris!


Written by saraib820
4911 days ago


I watched some Ferris Bueller Clips just to get in the mood.


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