Traditionally, the man in a relationship is the “provider,” earning most of the money. What happens to marriage/partner relationships when women earn more than men?


Written by tcamba
4054 days ago

Lol! I love Rosemary's story. Miranda, I think it's about a man's pride getting hurt. His alpha side, his ego or whatever you call. I guess, it's because society expects much from males that husbands tend to think less of themselves as a man if he earns less than his wife. I guess, it's some kind of psychological thing... This made me think though, a lot! Thanks for the great share in Bizsugar!

Written by bigmoneyweb
4058 days ago

To me, its a normal thing for anyone to earn more provided there will be peace and understanding. But, most people don't see it like that. Often time, when the woman earns more, she will start seeing herself as the boss in the family. This is a very informative article, thanks for sharing this with us.


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