10 Social Media Tips Under 140 Characters by @shanegibson

Avatar Posted by shanegibson under Social Media
From http://www.closingbigger.net 5329 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on December 23, 2009 7:40 pm
Here's a summary of social media tips I have posted on Twitter over the past week. They're usually inspired by conversations, client questions or things I have


Written by lyceum
5243 days ago

Shane: Great tips in the tweet format! #9 is one of my favorites: "Consistency, conviction, passion and focus are needed to see a social media plan succeed." I have to check out Twitter list. ("#8 Use Twitter lists to let people know you’re listening.") Do you know about a good introduction (blog post, guide, forum thread, etc.) to Twitter listing?

By the way: I have asked Team Moderator Leader, Shawn Hessinger, to reply to your comment (#2924) “Really? On a business site? This is garbage…” You rightly pointed out this entry as "garbage," due to the fact that it is a spam entry. Shawn Hessinger will explain to you why it seems that the entry is still on the site, even if I have discarded it.

I wonder if we could measure BizSugar's increased popularity based on the increased amount of spam entries! ;) I think I have manually already discarded about 10 - 15 spam entries this morning.

Written by lyceum
5328 days ago

Shane: I am on 36 lists at the moment. I will create some private lists and some public lists in the near future. I enjoy listening to podcast shows, so I will create a list of my favorite podcasters / podcasting shows. I will check your list: @shanegibson/podcasters-podcasting

Written by shanegibson
5328 days ago

@Lyceum lists are pretty new but they're also quite intuitive. Use them to organize "tribes" within your followers/following that reflect similar values, demographics or areas of expertise. Let Twitter take care of the rest.

Written by alenmajer
5329 days ago

Shane, I love it, especially one about twitter!

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