4 Reasons Facebook Might Be Wrong for Your Business

Avatar Posted by LadySophy under Social Media
From http://smallbiztrends.com 4147 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on March 23, 2013 1:16 am
Facebook has been help up as a major tool for social media marketing, but recent data suggests the network isn't all it could be. Problems include what appears to be a decline in usage, a lack of engagement by users still on Facebook, too much noise and an overload in terms of the amount of time you must spend compared to what you get out of the experience. All of these issues should cause small businesses to reevaluate whether Facebook is the right marketing platform for their needs.


Written by tiroberts
4133 days ago

Great post, Shawn. I don’t get much engagement on Facebook, although most of my traffic currently comes from them. I personally prefer Twitter to FB. Much easier and simpler.


Written by QueenMaa
4144 days ago

That's why I never made a facebook fan page for my blog. I did use to have my blog coming to my facebook account. That was not a good move either as most of my people on my account are friends and family and not my target audience which I found out quickly. I do see people always trying to promote on facebook. I just think you need to be somewhere where you have an audience. Facebook didn't work for me.

Written by lyceum
4144 days ago

Heather: Yes, FB will need to get business users into the action, but they can't use the traditional form of advertising with shouting sales pitches, using a megaphone! ;) What FB should have done from the beginning is to create some sort of referral system and giving cred. to active users in different ways. What is it in for me to use Facebook nowadays and then in the future (with getting bombarded with stuff)?

Maybe Facebook could start some kind of premium version for businesses?

Written by lyceum
4144 days ago

The challenge for Facebook is to balance Mark Zuckerberg's initial idea of a social network without any "intruding" elements, e.g., ads, and today's version of everything from sponsored status updates and company "likes" that are shared on your wall. Personally, I will continue to use Facebook, but in my personalized way, for example spreading my Instagram photos.

Written by HeatherStone
4144 days ago

So true, Martin. Great point! But then the question is what happens to Facebook's business model? Does it need the activity of business users to survive?

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