8 Pinteresting New Year Resolutions for 2013

Avatar Posted by Lorna6 under Social Media
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4227 days ago
Made Hot by: Kirsten Jones on December 30, 2012 1:28 am
Pinterest is fast becoming the 'must have' social media platform to include in your strategy - here are 8 Pinteresting New Year Resolutions to ensure you use Pinterest to the best of your ability for 2013


Written by elainerogers
4218 days ago

Great pointers thanks Lorna - still not using Pinterest properly yet, I'll get there :)

Written by lyceum
4221 days ago

Lorna: How do you use Pinterest for research? I bookmark interesting posts on social media with great visuals / illustrations.

Written by lyceum
4224 days ago

Lorna: You are hitting the nail (pin?;) on the head with your question. Do you think that Pinterest will be your daily reading in 2013. I use it more of a memory board for stuff that I like, want to purchase in the future, potential wishlist for my friends, etc.

Written by Lorna6
4221 days ago

Hi Martin, apologies for delay replying. Yes, I use pinterest for inspiration/wishlist stuff too but I also use it for research and for bookmarking good social media articles I find amongst other subjects.

Written by Webdev1
4224 days ago

My mom uses pinterest for home decor ideas. I think pinterest is fast becoming an awesome social network for businesses related to these kind of niches. I do wonder how they would monetize aside from skimlinks.

Written by lyceum
4225 days ago

Lorna: Do you think that Contributor Boards could evolve into micro sites, similar to a blog with guest writers or a specialized forum with members posting entries?

Written by Lorna6
4224 days ago

Hi Martin, it'll be interesting to see how Pinterest evolves. It will be good to see individual pinners using contributor boards creatively. I do wonder though how often people check out pins that are pinned to the shared boards if they aren't actually on pinterest at the time, ie when they just get the email alert. I wonder how 'shared' they really are if you know what I mean as the commenting facility is still underused.

Written by Herby
4225 days ago

Hi Lorna, I started using Pinterest not too long ago and I was instantly hooked with the web traffic potential. Thanks for sharing these tips, I will put them to great use.

Written by Lorna6
4224 days ago

Thank you, am delighted to hear it :)

Written by atyq
4227 days ago

Pinterest power !!!

Written by HeatherStone
4227 days ago

Hi Lorna,

Great tips. Pinterest has become a serious social media tool, especially for entrepreneurs. It's also likely to continue being important to anyone doing Internet marketing heading into 2013. Thanks so much for sharing this post with the BizSugar community. I'm curious how you see Pinterest stacking up with other channels: Facebook, Twitter etc. as we move into the New Year.

Written by Lorna6
4225 days ago

Hi Heather, I think it will be interesting to watch. For anyone selling online products, Pinterest will be big. It'll be interesting to see how useful it is for other business types

Written by zubinkutar
4227 days ago

Time to take Pinterest seriously

Written by Sian Phillips
4227 days ago

Great post Lorna - you really are becoming the Pinterest guru. I may need to pick your brain about it soon

Written by Lorna6
4225 days ago

Thanks Sian, I have to admit I love it. :)

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